Hiking with Noah

The video was produced by our student Noah Bühler (19), who is part of the Swiss Program at the Ecole d'Humanité.
Noah is a passionate videographer and adventurer. When he's not studying for his upcoming Matura exams, he spends his time creating videos that document his love for mountain sports. At the Ecole d'Humanité, Noah has found a place where he can fully explore his talents in filmmaking and outdoor sports.

We interviewed him to learn more about his journey and passion for video production.

When did you come to the Ecole d'Humanité?

Before attending the Ecole d'Humanité, I was at another school until 8th grade. After passing the gymnasium entrance exam, I was ready to start 9th grade and expressed a desire to improve my English. I saw the Ecole d'Humanité as an opportunity to immerse myself in the English language for a year. Initially, the plan was to return home after this year and continue my studies there. However, after six months, I asked my mother if I could stay at the Ecole d'Humanité.

I really like it here, especially the school structure: every morning, I have the same three subjects, which allows me to focus better on each topic and delve deeper into them. This approach reflects how I work on my video projects: I usually try to complete one project before starting a new one.

When and where did you first explore the world of video production at the Ecole?

I initially got into video production because I was interested in music production and wanted to make my music accessible through video. When videographer Tatiana Khokhlova started working at the Ecole d'Humanité, I had the opportunity to work with her and learn a lot.

I quickly realized that I could produce not only music videos but also outdoor videos, especially when I went on my first hikes with the Ecole d'Humanité. That's how my interest in hiking videos was born.

What do you take away from the outdoor program?

Both my parents are mountain guides, so going into the mountains was not new to me. What was new was taking responsibility.

Regarding video production, I've learned a lot about safety through the outdoor program: when you're on a glacier, you can't just step anywhere to get the right angle for a shot. You have to prioritize your safety and that of the group.

I also can't always take all my equipment with me; I have to adapt my kit to each excursion because it's not easy to climb with a heavy backpack!

Do you have any plans for your life "after the Ecole d'Humanité"?

Most likely, I will do an internship in video production after school to gain more experience. After that, I will do civilian service, which is an alternative to compulsory military service in Switzerland. In the future, I would like to continue my education in video production. Recently, I discovered CGI (Computer Generated Imagery), which fascinates me. I also find show technology exciting, which I got to know here at the Ecole d'Humanité, particularly in French theater. Music, video, and lighting production are fields in which I would like to specialize later: the choice is quite broad, but I still have a lot of time to decide.

It's also open whether I will stay in Switzerland or go abroad. On the one hand, Switzerland is beautiful and diverse both in terms of landscapes and culture—mountains, lakes, villages, cities, four languages, and different traditions in the various cantons. On the other hand, I would also welcome an experience abroad, and the English skills I have acquired over the years at the Ecole d'Humanité would certainly make this step easier.

Vielen Dank, Noah!

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