School And Boarding Fees

The offer at the Ecole d’Humanité

At the Ecole d’Humanité, the focus is on the individual and their talents. The school program with its proven course selection system offers students personalized learning programs with Swiss and international qualifications. In diverse co-curricular courses and activities, they can pursue their passions and discover hidden talents. Students and teachers at the Ecole d’Humanité have many opportunities for exchange in their daily lives, whether it be during meals, afternoon courses, in the learning center, at a family evening, or on a hike, to name just a few. Life in the boarding school is shaped by the diverse composition of our unique school community with 120 students and 40 teachers from over 20 nations. Our everyday languages are English and German.

The school and boarding fees cover, among other things, the costs of tuition, accommodation, meals, and a large portion of extracurricular activities.

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